Making Jewelry is therapeutic for me. I hope wearing my work will bring you joy as well.
Welcome. Herzlich Wilkommen. I hope you will find a piece or two that make you smile or feel inspired, or that gives you the warm fuzzies. I enjoy too many endeavors and have too many interests; the one steadfast for me has been jewelry. In a perfect world, I could just make jewelry and give it away. Alas and Alack, my day job is as a High School language teacher, and I must at least pay for my hobby. So buy a piece for you and a piece for a friend.
One of a Kind
These pieces all go beyond a simple stamped piece.
They are pieces that I need to/want to make.
While I can make pieces similar to these, none of them will ever be exactly the same. These pieces are sold as is.
Please read the dimensions before purchase.
If you fall in love with a piece, and the dimensions are not right for your body, I am happy to work with you on a commissioned piece.
As with all commissioned pieces, they must be paid for ahead of time and there will be no returns or exchanges.